Generator.exe lol

Vijay Karthik N
5 min readDec 20, 2020

It is a community based platform that makes online bots for various websites, apps and services. The bot can be for anything from checking plagiarism to making memes. The idea is that there will be an app and website that can be accessed by anyone and they can request to make a bot for any ethical purpose.

With the increase in use of social media we need to make sure the content posted is verified. But with the increase in users it will be a lot harder. We can make bots to check for reposts or NSFW/NSFL(Not safe for work) content by bots to reduce work load on people.

The aim is to make everyone have easy access to use bots in their tasks.Bots are always available 24/7 , thus providing ASAP and convenient customer service. Bots are being used for a lot of purposes, such as chatting/answering questions and advertising. Bots do reduce labour costs, which in turn produces more profit for the companies.

Demand in Market

Social Media is one of the biggest source for content and is used by almost everyone with a mobile phone.

People who manage sites or requests from people can request bots from us to check for trolls or moderate their pages.

Bots are being used in various websites like youtube to promote content and even sites like amazons have been infected with bots to make purchases for limited edition items or items with high demands like PS5 and XBOX Series X.

Of course there is a negative outlet for them and they can be heavily misused but we can reduce this heavily by using captcha make sure they are used in the right manner.


We do have competition like BOTMAKER which do provide similar services but we will do our very best in being open to the community and make sure our bots are not being misused. Our main goal is to bring down unnecessary workload on humans. Our services can be requested by anyone and the fee depends on the project they give us.

Even websites like mobile monkey make it easy to make chat bots online, but with this project we can actually provide maintenance and handle any kind of bugs the user may face with our bots.

Target Customers

We aim to provide bots to websites.apps like reddit and discord who heavily use bots for various work like listening to music to making memes. We plan to make bots better by adding more features and taking out bloat. Apps like telegram and kik use chat bots to make more content. Our service can be used to make better bots for these apps.

Required Knowledge

  1. Comfortable with Python language.
  2. Have a decent laptop with a GPU.
  3. Should be a good analyst.


We will take requests from people and make a bot according to their liking. It can be any kind of bot from a chat bot to a music or even a bot that checks for plagiarized content.

The demand for bots have increased and is only limited by their provider. People who use bots 90% of the time make the bot.

This statistic only shows the market share of chat bots. Chat bots are more successful since they are active 24/7.

Now this chart will only grow further since people gain more access to the internet.

Social Bots can be used to boost fame for upcoming influencers which is a pretty common thing nowadays. Though it is unethical it is unavoidable.

We can also make bots to verify users depending on how they respond to the bot and the bot giving an auto captcha to verify whether the user is a bot or a human being.

We will also deny scalpers, by not making bots for them since they use the bots for unethical purposes.

Estimated Budget

  1. For hosting and maintaining the website it will cost around ₹8000 per year and for the app ₹7500.
  2. Servers for the bots costs ₹3000 per year. This will be covered by the person who requested the bot.
  3. To develop a bot the budget increases dramatically since it takes a lot of time depending on its complexity.

Product Pricing

Our app will be very user friendly. The user will have to choose between few choices as to what kind of bot he wants. If he does not find his desired bot he can request it in the other category.

The user will have to pay an upfront cost of 50$ for any bot they request and then pay pay monthly for maintenance a

If it is a simple bot for discord or reddit the bot will start from $80 year.

If it is a complex chat bot it could cost more depending on the market value.

Chat bot Software Platform $50-$500/month $50-$500/month

Chat bot Setup and Development Salaries (5–100 hours of work) $500-$2,500

Ongoing chat bot support and maintenance Salaries (0–10 hours of work per week) $50-$5000/month

Marketing Plan

The primary marketing service we will use will be google ad services. Making our app/website a little popular will be enough to start up our company. Since our target audience are social media users we will run them on sites like YouTube, Instagram, Quora, Reddit.

We will create a viral video based on our app make it a meme to get our name across. This will spread the word and interested users will automatically come to us.

Risk Analysis

Since our project relies on the number of requests we get it can be very risky to start with. So every request we get we have to carry out with complete perfection. We should make sure our ads are of high quality and get the point through.

Milestone and Timeline

We can get a simple bot ready within 48 hours of request.

But if they want the bot for a particular app then it will take upto 80 hours.

Depending on our demand we will make sure to hire more employees and get more people to work for good quality.

We aim to make around ₹2 Lakhs in the first month.

